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Love Triangle

V4, Boulder, 8 ft (2 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 6 votes
FA: Corey Cotter=Brown
Wisconsin > Baraboo Range > Devil's Lake > Devil's Lake Bo… > S Bluff > 03. The Reserve > Amazing Pillar


Named after the the shape of the rock and the heart shaped hole in a tree up and to the right of the problem, sit start with arms spread out wide and feet on detached block/s. Stand up to a slick left hand and the crux is figuring out how to get right hand up to a smallish jug on the right (there is good beta to make the crux easier but figuring that out is half the fun). Pull up to the big jug on the apex and top it out.

A pretty good little problem. Using the detached block/s seems appropriate on this problem. It might be possible to do it without them but it would be really hard and probably contrived (unless you figure out some really cool beta).


Walk a little uphill from the Amazing Pillar. Boulder will be on the left and is hard to miss due to its triangular shape. If you're not sure, look up and to the right to see a tree with a hole shaped exactly like a heart.


At least a couple of pads

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Setting up for toss
[Hide Photo] Setting up for toss
To the jug!
[Hide Photo] To the jug!
I guess this goes using the detached feet.  Paul was working it without.
[Hide Photo] I guess this goes using the detached feet. Paul was working it without.

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Jacob Gerber
[Hide Comment] This is the Paul's Project boulder. The consensus of the day was that using the detached block/s seemed right. I almost flashed it, then rapid fired, and ran out of energy at the end of a long day. Its definitely not V8 with the detached block for feet. If someone can figure out a way to do it without the blocks, kudos' to you. It will definitely be very hard and probably contrived unless you figure out some crazy cool beta. Way to go on the FA Corey! Nov 7, 2011