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George's Niche

5.8+, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 10 votes
FA: unknown
Arizona > Northern Arizona > Flagstaff Area > Oak Creek Canyo… > Overlook
Warning Access Issue: Climbing restricted due to tourist safety DetailsDrop down


Start with a short overhanging offwidth crux to a ledge, get gear in and head up the easier offwidth above to a blocky finish. Belay from a pine tree set back from the edge.


Just left of The Horn. Start on the belay ledge just right of the snag below Burnt Buns. Obvious overhanging offwidth starts it off.


Standard rack with pro up to 5". 2 #5 Camalots would be useful, or you can back-clean one after the first offwidth section to use higher up.

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George's Niche pictured center with overhanging offwidth crux down low. Duck Soup on left
[Hide Photo] George's Niche pictured center with overhanging offwidth crux down low. Duck Soup on left

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j mo
n az
[Hide Comment] 2 5's and 2 6's to sew it up Sep 15, 2012