Type: | Sport, 90 ft (27 m) |
FA: | Orenczak & Lynn |
Page Views: | 3,067 total · 19/month |
Shared By: | JF M on Aug 26, 2011 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Aeon Aki, Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson |
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Access Issue: Temporary Notice on aerial herbicide treatment & Bad Bolt Submission Form
PSA for those thinking about a trip. The gates are still closed and the sign says enter at your own risk. "Aerial application by helicopter of the herbicide Rejuvra will target over 5,700 acres on a landscape that has been the focus of multiple years’ worth of treatment."
Start on a short, pocketed face, then climb through a series of shelves on solid, grippy rock. Surmount a bulge and finish at bolted anchors. It appears that one set of anchor bolts has been previously removed, but there's another set up there.
From Arlo N.: This climb goes up to a pair of bolts to the right of the Monkey and Engineer bolts. These are set up to rappel off of a 1 foot wide ledge which is the top of the flake. The flake is hollow sounding and upon inspection, it has a crack all along the bottom of the flake. It's possible to clip the anchors without touching the ledge, and to start the rappel from a ledge to the left while facing the rock face.
From Arlo N.: This climb goes up to a pair of bolts to the right of the Monkey and Engineer bolts. These are set up to rappel off of a 1 foot wide ledge which is the top of the flake. The flake is hollow sounding and upon inspection, it has a crack all along the bottom of the flake. It's possible to clip the anchors without touching the ledge, and to start the rappel from a ledge to the left while facing the rock face.
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