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The Big Tuff

5.11a, Sport, 115 ft (35 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 3 votes
FA: Justin Christiansen and James Garrett, 20 July 2011
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > Hobble Creek Ca… > Original Wall


A tricky bulge marks the start to this spectacular climb. Most of the challenge is reserved for the last few moves to the belay. Otherwise, very homogenous and consistent and excellent climbing.

Climb a long less than vertical slabby arĂȘte speckled with pockets and nice edges. Mostly moderate and fun climbing with a thin and tough finish to a three-bolt belay. Well protected. 5.11a, 35m.


Immediately to the left and below Back Of The Wall at the head the recess slot and left (west) of the old routes of the Original Wall is a striking arĂȘte up a steepish slab.

The trail has been improved upon and as it becomes more of a path, this steepish approach is becoming less of an ordeal.
Beautiful canyon.


QDs for 17 bolts. You must use a 70m rope ( a real rope stretcher for a sport climb!) or two ropes.

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[Hide Comment] The hardest move is the first move. After that the route seems a little soft for the grade. Bring alot of draws or run it out a little. Great climb! Sep 19, 2011