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5.12a, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 4 from 6 votes
FA: Jeff Burton and Brian Ellis(1995)
N Carolina > 1. Southern Mou… > Whiteside Mountain > N Face > Catwalk
Warning Access Issue: 2023 seasonal raptor closure (January 15th-August 15th) - New online pass system DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Post Hurricane Helene Accessibility of Crags DetailsDrop down


This slightly overhanging water groove will have you wishing it was twice as long. Start left of the X70 graffiti and get established in the immaculate quartz groove. Break left at the top and surmount a small runout to the anchor.


The bolted line right of Flaming Lips.


4 bolts and a bomber RURP.

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Mary redpointing X70.
[Hide Photo] Mary redpointing X70.
The route's namesake.
[Hide Photo] The route's namesake.

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Stephen Felker
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] As of June '11 the last bolt is new. With a bit of engineering the old self-drive sleeve came out, and the hole was reused for a new stainless 12mm triplex. The rest of the bolts are 3/8" carbon and despite some rust should have a little life left in them. Jul 28, 2011
Tom Caldwell
Clemson, S.C.
[Hide Comment] Thanks sf, the bolt looks nice. We tested the others unintentionally. Jul 9, 2012
Dylan Valvo
Marshall NC
[Hide Comment] The bolts on this and flaming lips have been replaced. Jun 23, 2019