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Right of Center

5.11c, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 2 votes
FA: Conor Dysinger, Steve Cundy
Montana > Northwest Region > Rattler Gulch > Style Wall


Shares the same start and first three bolts as The Devil Wears Carhartts. At the third bolt, step left (long stretch), then head up the small corner to a good rest on a small ledge. Depart the ledge to sustained climbing with good moves, then pull onto the upper bulge to hit the crux deadpoint move. Shares anchors with center


This route starts off the large block on the right of the belay platform. Follow the bolt line, trending left to the small bulge at the top of the wall.


Quickdraws, chain anchors.

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Kenley TRing the Mess in a Dress.
[Hide Photo] Kenley TRing the Mess in a Dress.

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Harrison Schutt
Missoula, MT
[Hide Comment] As the route must've been put up a few years ago, it felt pretty awkward maybe due to holds breaking. The step over from the third bolt is super reachy (and i'm about 6 foot). This route and the 11d left of it are both a bit choosy (we pulled off at least 2-3 holds per route) so wear a helmet! Much harder to read than most routes in rattler Oct 16, 2017