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Bottom Feeder

5.12a, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Montana > Northwest Region > Rattler Gulch > Divers Wall
Warning Access Issue: Private property DetailsDrop down


Bottom Feeder is a similar line to Gumby Killer, interesting features up steep terrain. Pull up some awkward face moves to a small corner, then pull up the corner on some thin pockets and a lot of tension. Head up thin seam and crimps to the chains.


This is the 2nd route from the left, just left of Gumby Killer.


Quickdraws, chain anchors.

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Bottom Feeder
[Hide Photo] Bottom Feeder
Ken trying the onsight at the burly lieback/ barn-doory sequence
[Hide Photo] Ken trying the onsight at the burly lieback/ barn-doory sequence

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Harrison Schutt
Missoula, MT
[Hide Comment] The description might be a little misleading. From the 3rd bolt, you have to pull into the crack and jam your way to the top, no crimps or pockets that i saw. Bring your lead head for this one!

The bottom and top of the route might have a few small holds loose, but other than that the route is killer! Would be a hard onsight. Kenley and I yo-yoed this one. Oct 19, 2017
[Hide Comment] I think the first photo here is wrong. From what I can tell, that photo is an un-named line with a chopped anchor. I think Bottom Feeder is the second bolted line from the left. Fun climb! Jul 19, 2023