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Riders on the Swarm

5.10+, Sport, 60 ft (18 m), 2 pitches,  Avg: 2.8 from 68 votes
FA: Scott Ayers and Anders Zway 2010
Arizona > Central Arizona > Homestead > Rough Rider Zone > 4. Rough Rider Wall
Warning Access Issue:
  • Portions of the approach and cliffs of this area are on private land.
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This is THE WARM UP route on the wall. Start on the huge jugs. Crux it out going to the anchors.


This route is located two to the right of The Riddler.



Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Jill Hadap redeems herself.
[Hide Photo] Jill Hadap redeems herself.
Erica Bigio starting up the crack system.
[Hide Photo] Erica Bigio starting up the crack system.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

1Eric Rhicard
[Hide Comment] A big hold at the crux came off pretty easily yesterday. Didn't really change the grade. Luckily there were no other climbers around or someone could have been hurt. May 13, 2011
Tacoma, Toyota
[Hide Comment] Best warm up on RR. Definitely harder than .10b Sep 26, 2011
Pat Mac
Bishop, CA
[Hide Comment] The route is no longer a 10. Because of some jugs falling off the top the route is now harder at the top and is now an easy 11.

  • **Looks like we are back to looking for the best warm up for that wall.***
Oct 10, 2011
Joshua Munoz
Honolulu, HI
[Hide Comment] Great route! It's 8 bolts to the chains and another 8 for the extensions. Good rest 1/4 the way up and good rest at the chains, then just fight the pump! Feb 16, 2016