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Static Head

V6, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2 from 4 votes
FA: unknown
California > Central Coast > Santa Barbara > Santa Barbara… > Painted Cave > Hallway Boulder


A contrived route in my opinion, but then again, I haven't done it yet. So feel free to tell me otherwise.


Start as for Static Eliminator and traverse right into Baby's Head


Pads and Spotters

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andy patterson
Carpinteria, CA
[Hide Comment] Bernd and I used to do a variation that started up Baby's Head and traversed left to Static Eliminator, just about where you being to make the "big" move on Baby's Head. Definitely contrived, but fun, and a good way to run laps. Jul 20, 2011
[Hide Comment] Shouldn't this be called Baby Eliminator? Feb 25, 2013
andy patterson
Carpinteria, CA
[Hide Comment] "Baby Eliminator" sounds kinda creepy. Feb 26, 2013