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Stan's Traverse

V8, Boulder,  Avg: 3.3 from 16 votes
FA: Stan? jk
California > San Francisco B… > E Bay Area > Berkeley > Mortar Rock Park > Mortar Rock


staN Nat's
Stan's treverse (not traverse get it harhar oh boy) is the same as Nat's but right to left. sickness moves! just as classic as Nat's, fshiz, yo.


I believe most people start at the base of the ramp.



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Stan's Traverse
[Hide Photo] Stan's Traverse
Fingerlock beta on Stan's
[Hide Photo] Fingerlock beta on Stan's

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Andy L
Arief Nagara
Oakland, CA
[Hide Comment] Another short climber beta video for starting at the top of the ramp. Done after the break:
New beta: May 21, 2021