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Hong Kong Phooey

5.10-, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 65 votes
FA: Bryan Bird, Travis Tomlinson
Utah > Southwest Utah > Zion NP > Mt Carmel Tunnel > Kung Fu Theater
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures ***** RAIN AND WET ROCK ***** The sandstone in Zion is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Holds rip off and climbs have been and will continue to be permanently damaged due to climbers not respecting this phenomenon. After a heavy storm the rock will remain wet, sometimes for several days. PLEASE DO NOT CLIMB IN ZION during or after rain. A good rule of thumb is that if the ground near your climb is at all damp (and not powdery dry sand), then do not climb. There are many alternatives (limestone, granite, basalt, and plastic) nearby. Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down


Hong Kong Phooey is the sport climb on the slab left of Inner Chi and Japanimation. It comprises thin edging at a consistent grade, to a large hueco near the top, with the last move stepping left to a bolted anchor (shared with a 5.9 crack climb to its left- "Miagi").

The holds feel a little flakey, which is probably normal for newer face climbs in Zion.


6 bolts to a 2-bolt anchor

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Patrick leading Hong Kong Phooey
[Hide Photo] Patrick leading Hong Kong Phooey
Two nice short sport routes
[Hide Photo] Two nice short sport routes
Red: first half of Hong Kong Phooey<br>
Yellow: second half of Miagi
[Hide Photo] Red: first half of Hong Kong Phooey Yellow: second half of Miagi

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Caleb Padgett
Rockville, utah
[Hide Comment] Currently , as of 7/15/13, there is a wasp nest in a hueco between the 3rd and 4th bolt. I got suckered in by the bail draw left on the route and got swarmed but not stung. be careful Jul 15, 2013
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] Getting to the first bolt is a bit thin if you can't reach the good ledge from the pedestal. Other than that, a really fun route on a nice face. May 26, 2014