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5.10-, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 79 votes
FA: Johnny Arms
Alabama > Cherokee Rock V… > Sun Wall


A thin bouldery start to first bolt leads to positive holds. Located just left of Lichen This. Johnny Arms gives us another reason to visit this corridor.


From the Whipping Post area scramble up the boulders to the right of Wall Of Horns to a corridor on the back side or scramble down from the campsites.


4 bolts, open shuts

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Nice 5.10 with a moderately difficult start
[Hide Photo] Nice 5.10 with a moderately difficult start

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Ky Dame!
The West
[Hide Comment] Unless we're missing something obvious, starting this is a little tricky to figure out! Great fun, definitely suggest coming to check out this and Lichen This. May 28, 2017
Kyle Askew
[Hide Comment] Yea, the start is the crux imo. SUPER cool move though. Mar 5, 2018
Nathan Burns
Atlanta, GA
[Hide Comment] Start is quite bouldery, felt v2/3-ish to me. Everything else is pretty easy. Basically a 5.9 with a boulder problem start. Sep 16, 2019
Sean House
Pensacola, FL
[Hide Comment] Ive seen beta for the start on the low slopeyish holds and goes out right to the side rail thing then up left. there was plenty of chalk that seemed to have a different start variation on starting on the huge jugs out left and traversing to the bolt. fun movement. May 21, 2022