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Little Big Wall

5.11d, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 30 votes
FA: Pete Takeda
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > American Fork C… > Membrane
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


Fun, short route with some good, reachy moves on good holds. Crux is between the 3rd and 4th clip. Chossy, dirty rock between the last clip and anchors (don't fall here!). Worth doing if you're in the area.


Far left side of Membrane wall, starts off a ledge and moves into a left facing corner.


4 bolts to rap rings.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

1. Green... Little Big Wall  2. Red... High on Boulder 3. Yellow... Insane in the Brain  4. Blue... Insane in the Membrane
[Hide Photo] 1. Green... Little Big Wall 2. Red... High on Boulder 3. Yellow... Insane in the Brain 4. Blue... Insane in the Membrane
Route Photo Climber is 3/4 bolts up before the chains up top
[Hide Photo] Route Photo Climber is 3/4 bolts up before the chains up top
Little Big Wall
[Hide Photo] Little Big Wall

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

steve edwards
[Hide Comment] This route is actually quite good and, now that there are more routes on this wall, should get enough traffic to keep it clean. Even though it's short it's all engaging climbing, making it feel like a worthy route. Not a one-move wonder at all. Aug 26, 2012
Tristan Mayfield
[Hide Comment] Didn't seem like it had been climbed recently so I tried to clean it up a bit. I thought it was an extremely fun little route. I think I did 8 moves and then hit the crappy topout. If the topout wasn't so bad I'd have given it four stars.

Also, the bolts on the route and hooks at the top look a little manky. I don't know if/when they need to be replaced, but keep that in mind. Sep 20, 2021