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High School Romancer

5.10b, Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 22 votes
FA: Old School
Wisconsin > Central > Hillbilly Hollow > Hillbilly Routes


Mantle a ledge, reach around the corner and dead point for the next ledge. Follow the corner to the top. Some fun moves.


Left of Penitent Crack and around the arete are two bolt lines leading to a shared anchor. Follow the right boltline up the arete.


One hanger, three glueins and a shared anchor

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realized there are holds around the right of the arete
[Hide Photo] realized there are holds around the right of the arete
Chris finishing up the arete
[Hide Photo] Chris finishing up the arete
Crux beta - LH is approximate; there is a nice sidepull for LH in that area. Other holds are exact.
[Hide Photo] Crux beta - LH is approximate; there is a nice sidepull for LH in that area. Other holds are exact.
High School Romancer route
[Hide Photo] High School Romancer route
Backseat Belay and High School Romancer
[Hide Photo] Backseat Belay and High School Romancer
[Hide Photo] Mid-route
[Hide Photo] Flunky.

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[Hide Comment] Almost as fun as senior prom... Sep 15, 2010
Jay Knower
Plymouth, NH; Lander, WY
[Hide Comment] I remember thinking that the bolt was in a strange place. Kind of too low to do any good. Someone should relocate the bolt, add a few more, and modernize this thing. The Hollow needs a good 5.10 sport route. Feb 3, 2011
[Hide Comment] This climb is named after the 6in blade I stow under the seat of my purple Jeep.

A worthy retro bolt for sure, the rock's way bad for gear. Feb 3, 2011
Josh Olson
Durango, CO
[Hide Comment] Slightly easier if you go around the corner right after the mantle, especially for shorter climbers. Apr 13, 2012
Jack C
  5.10b PG13
[Hide Comment] You can lead it but it's definitely scary. Those sandy ledges blow for placements. I onsighted it with a half a set of nuts a friend threw up to me after I started. Saw the bolt and assumed it was all bolted. Mistake! Oct 15, 2015
Eric Stone
Minneapolis, MN
[Hide Comment] Don't cheat by going right of the arete. That route is High School Virgin. Sep 26, 2021