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The Masochist

V6, Boulder, 8 ft (2 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 14 votes
FA: unknown
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Smugglers' Notch > Smugglers' Notc… > Top of the Notc… > Wheaties Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Sit start on the steep wall, work your way out the the arete, slap up, and top out. Stand start goes at V4.


Past the parking lot, just past the narrowest part of the notch on your way to stow. There is a place to park right next to this boulder, but if you are going to work on problems there, you might not want to park your car there.


A pad.

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Sticking the lip on 'Masochist' (v6) -- Smuggler's Notch, VT.
[Hide Photo] Sticking the lip on 'Masochist' (v6) -- Smuggler's Notch, VT.
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Christian Prellwitz
Telluride, CO
[Hide Comment] I was talking to Bill Patton about this problem the other day and he told me a couple interesting things. First, this problem was originally done from a stand start by a very tall local (the original guidebook author) reaching the very high left hand sidepull from the ground! Bill then started working on the low/sit start (and was ridiculed for it since sit starts were unheard of at the time) since he could not reach the holds of the stand start. He says that the sit/low start begins crouched with the left hand on the low crimper sidepull on the arete and right hand on the crimp. You can start lower but it doesn't really make the climb any harder and it definitely doesn't make it better. Pick some feet and make a big move up to the high left hand sidepull (crux). A few tricky moves bring you to some wonderful top out jugs.

Anyhow just wanted to give some insight into the sit start and stand start because the current guidebook doesn't make the starting holds of each very clear. If anyone has anything more to add, let me know! May 28, 2012
Christian Prellwitz
Telluride, CO
[Hide Comment] Having climbed this again recently, I have to agree with Colin. This is really more of a crouch start, starting as described in my above comment.

Pretty comparable to all the other v6's at Smuggs, in my opinion. Oct 1, 2013