Type: Snow, Alpine, 3100 ft (939 m), Grade II
FA: Elvin and Norma Johnson and William and Kathy Long, August 1948
Page Views: 4,230 total · 24/month
Shared By: Wesley Ashwood on Aug 2, 2010
Admins: Jon Nelson, Micah Klesick, Zachary Winters, Mitchell McAuslan

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Description Suggest change

From the base of the glacier ascend easy snow on the left (east) lobe of the glacier past the base of Dragontail's Serpentine and Backbone Ridge. The glacier steepens just before the Dragontail-Colchuck Saddle with about 100 ft of 40 degree snow. Scramble 3rd class sandy steps to the summit plateau at about 8,500 ft. Continue west and north to the true summit (8,705 ft) which provides awesome views of Stuart and Dragontail.

3,100 feet, grade II is from Colchuck Lake. The route could easily be done from the trailhead in the day with a longer approach.

Location Suggest change

Start from the north shore of Colchuck lake about 5.5 miles from the Stuart Lake-Colchuck Lake Trailhead. Gain the crest of the lateral moraine as soon as possible to avoid some really loose scree and talus. Continue up to the base of the glacier.

Descend the route.

Protection Suggest change

Ice axe and crampons.

