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Bad Ass Pi Man

5.6, TR, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 7 votes
FA: Troy Halm, Hayden Fischer, July 2009
Colorado > Denver South > Castlewood Cany… > Neanderthal Wall
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Hike south of the Grocery Store Wall until you come to the chimney. Proceed into the chimney until you reach the fork where it opens up. Now look straight up. This is the route. You basically climb out of the chimney using any means possible. It is a bit awkward but rather fun.


There are a couple usable trees to set up a top rope. You will need at least 10 foot slings. Try not to get any gear lost in the surrounding cracks.

Per Jakob Vendegna: there are now two anchor bolts at the top.

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Looking up the chimney.
[Hide Photo] Looking up the chimney.

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[Hide Comment] Climbed this last weekend. Now there are two anchor bolts at the top. For a third point, you could sling some webbing around a small tree just west of the anchors, bring >= 30 feet. There were three of us climbing, and no one took the same route twice. Very fun. Sep 12, 2015