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V8, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: Ed Lyman
W Virginia > Southern WV > Bozoo > Bozoo Bouldering > Bozooka Area > Lyman's Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Private Property - Access Sensitive - Flooded parking area/campground and it remains largely inaccessible at this time. DetailsDrop down


SDS on the arete under the right edge of the roof. Crimps up the right face lead to a large slopey ledge that takes you to the left to a good detached jug. A throw to a shallow dish out left and a crux tall topout finish this route. This route still awaits a second ascent, 10 years later!


Large boulder above Project boulder and Ape Rage about 30ft.


Pad , spotter

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Conor on the slopey ledge moving left...
[Hide Photo] Conor on the slopey ledge moving left...

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Madison WI
[Hide Comment] "Zugzwang" May 25, 2010
Travis Melin
Portland, OR
[Hide Comment] Changed, Thanks. May 25, 2010
Jonathan Metzman
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] As Ed Lyman had supposedly told Jay, Zugzwang V8 stand starts from the jug on the left side of the slopey ledge. The SDS is still a project.. Jan 27, 2015
Jay Shultis
Oneonta, NY
[Hide Comment] To clarify, Ed says: "I don't remember if I ever did the problem from the sit. I say they should claim the sit if they do it, won't get any argument from me." Feb 9, 2015