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Nuthin' But Sunshine

V13, Boulder, Alpine,  Avg: 3.3 from 3 votes
FA: Dave Graham
Colorado > Alpine Rock > RMNP - Rock > RMNP Bouldering… > Chaos Canyon Bo… > Lower Chaos Canyon > Centaur Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Fragile Alpine Area DetailsDrop down
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On the west face of the Centaur Boulder, start low on a sloper sidepull for the left hand and a vertical seam with the right. Move directly up (crux) to an obvious decent sloping edge. From here, pull on the infamous "credit card" edge to much better holds and the top.


On the Centaur Boulder, just right of Secret Splendor.


Pretty rocky landing so spotters and four or five pads.

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Getting the high foot.
[Hide Photo] Getting the high foot.
The credit-card crimp.
[Hide Photo] The credit-card crimp.
Nuthin' but Sunshine, lower crux move.
[Hide Photo] Nuthin' but Sunshine, lower crux move.