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Like a Box of Chocolates

5.8-, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 1 from 2 votes
FA: Dick Williams, Annie O'Neil, 2006
New York > Gunks > Near Trapps > d. Harvest Moon to th…
Warning Access Issue: A portion of Near Trapps has been closed to climbing DetailsDrop down


Climb to the ledge that is a short distance up. Move up the face to good holds (crux), then ascend the low-angled slab to a pine tree.


The Tree-Filled Chimney is the left side of The White Pillar, a large block leaning against the cliff with an obvious crack, Harvest Moon, on its right face. Approximately 75 feet or so left of the Chimney there is a dirty, open book. Just to the left, there is a small ledge a short distance up, with some grass and blueberry bushes on it. There is a short, left-facing corner that starts at the ledge.



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Like a Box of Chocolates.  See Dick William's Climber's Guide for The Nears for details.
[Hide Photo] Like a Box of Chocolates. See Dick William's Climber's Guide for The Nears for details.