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5.12b, Sport,  Avg: 2.1 from 9 votes
FA: unknown
Arizona > Northern Arizona > Winslow Area- H… > Jacks Canyon > Cracker Jack Cliffs


Bottom section cruxy with lunge from bad left sidepull. Then awkwardness getting your feet up on the ledge. Get ready for the official crux which requires you reach high to stab a small pocket and try to clip a 3rd bolt with lack of any good feet (I skipped this bolt!) Then crank on to better holds and a 5.11 finish. Phew.


To the right of Walking the Plank.


5 bolts. Fixed bolts anchor.

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Peter Franzen
Phoenix, AZ
[Hide Comment] I also got on this because of the guidebook's recommendation. The bottom section was fun, but the crux section wasn't enjoyable. Meh. Jun 16, 2013
[Hide Comment] Very fun movement on what are most likely manufactured pockets through the crux. Worked the beta on TR, might come back for an RP. High right foot to with rt hand in shitty pocket, left knee scum, left hand gaston, bump left to a shit pocket, throw rt to a side pull jug. Felt like ..11d/.12a to the ledge, actually crux felt significantly harder than any .12b I've ever been on Jan 24, 2016