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Blues from a Gun
Sport, 40 ft (12 m),
Avg: 1.6 from 12
FA: unknown
> Wasatch Range
> Northern Wasatch
> Ogden
> Ogden Canyon
> Ice Wall
It is pretty consistently difficult route for the rating. It has two cool mantles and at the top some amazing thin face climbing on small edges. Pretty fun and a good warm up.
This is the route second from the right on the upper wall.
5 or 6 bolts and chains at the top. Go to the left and use the newer and more solid chains.
Sammamish, WA
santa clara, utah
Charlottesville, VA
Salt Lake City, UT
Start is an interesting mantle that can be slightly awkward, but take your time and find the moves. The crux is at the last bolt before the chains and it is quite delicate finger pocket/crimps, just make sure you read it carefully since it can be a little slippery! Otherwise a pretty decent warmup. May 11, 2022