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Lost Souls

5.8, Trad, Sport, 100 ft (30 m),  Avg: 1.6 from 7 votes
FA: Kent Lugbill & Greg Hand, 10/15/2008
Colorado > Boulder > Boulder Canyon > Lost Rock
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Closures 2025 - Bitty Buttress, Blob, Eagle Rock &, Security Risk are closed for raptor nesting DetailsDrop down


Follow gray bolts to the top. There are minor cruxes at most bolts. After the 7th bolt, follow either grove (left or right) to anchors. Gear may be wanted here. Good climbing is interrupted by many ledges.


Same directions as for Good Vibrations: Follow a gully left of My...Nice Knobs You Have to an upper tier of rock. There are several unreported routes up here. This route is about 15 feet right of two oddly located brown hangers in a low overhang behind two pine trees.


7 bolts, (#2 & #4 require long slings), plus some optional small/medium gear at top. Sling horn between bolts #1 & #2. 2-bolt anchor. 60 meter rope barely gets you down. Tie a knot in the end.

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Lost Souls.
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Jason Anderson
[Hide Comment] It's a bit far from the last bolt to the anchor, but it's easier. The anchor is 8' above and left of the second little tree. Apr 25, 2024