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Piss Ant

5.11b, Sport,  Avg: 2.9 from 9 votes
FA: Jeff Frizzell, 2003
Illinois > Jackson Falls > A. N Canyon > A. Mr. Jimmy


This route starts on Which Side Are You On? but after the third bolt use the left line to stay off of Big Wall Greg's Chicken Shack.


6 QD + Anchors

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

The finish of Piss Ant, great climb with good picture potential
[Hide Photo] The finish of Piss Ant, great climb with good picture potential
Amazing mix of jugs, underclings and slopers.
[Hide Photo] Amazing mix of jugs, underclings and slopers.
Matt S on Piss Ant
[Hide Photo] Matt S on Piss Ant
Rounded Perfect Sandstone
[Hide Photo] Rounded Perfect Sandstone
Cold Sunny Days!
[Hide Photo] Cold Sunny Days!
Josh on Piss Ant
[Hide Photo] Josh on Piss Ant
Piss Ant
[Hide Photo] Piss Ant
The third bolt of Piss Ant/Which Side Are You On?
[Hide Photo] The third bolt of Piss Ant/Which Side Are You On?

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] Stay to the left entirely for the full 11b climb, if you stray right it makes the climb substantially easier.
Enjoyable and provides the opportunity for some great photos- Aug 12, 2011
[Hide Comment] Couple of spinning hangers that need to be tightened and the mussys have rusted gates that don't close, basically open. Nov 6, 2023