Type: | Trad, TR, Ice |
FA: | unknown |
Page Views: | 2,433 total · 12/month |
Shared By: | K Ice on Aug 28, 2008 |
Admins: | K Ice, Kris Gorny |
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Access Issue: Permit Required
This is a St. Paul park and they require that you obtain an annual ice climbing permit. The permit requires a signed waiver and a fee. stpaul.gov/index.asp?NID=1402
There has been a dialogue with the city about this requirement and many climbers do not agree with them charging a fee. For more information on this there have been several discussions on MN forums.
There has been a dialogue with the city about this requirement and many climbers do not agree with them charging a fee. For more information on this there have been several discussions on MN forums.
Access Issue: Ice Climbing not illegal but not legal
Be respectful and minimize your impact. No commercial guiding.