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5.9+, Trad, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 5 votes
FA: Shannon Stegg 1980
Alabama > Cherokee Rock V… > Sandtrap


Climb an obvious "V-Slot" to the top. Crimp on face holds on both sides, jam the crack.


Middle of the Sandtrap Area.


Small to Medium Gear

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The Sandtrap Area (the real one)
unknown project (left of Whammy, finish on Whammy)
Whammy 12b (left just inside the shade) 
Bocephus 11d (on right w/rope to anchor, "start in crack")
[Hide Photo] The Sandtrap Area (the real one) unknown project (left of Whammy, finish on Whammy) Whammy 12b (left just inside the shade) Bocephus 11d (on right w/rope to anchor, "start in crack")
Kenny in the pebbly part of V-Neck.
[Hide Photo] Kenny in the pebbly part of V-Neck.