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Three Amigos

5.9+, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 71 votes
FA: Jeff Pederson, Boone Speed and Vince Adams
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > American Fork C… > Cannabis Wall
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


A technical climb up thin edges. Starts 2/3 of the way up the 4th class ramp in the large corner area. Crux is around the fourth bolt; don't be afraid to wander a little bit.

Admin note: a lower first bolt was added to this route in the mid-2010's; it's now a reasonable outing for most people.


Just left of Cannabis Crack in the middle of the face


4 bolts to chains

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Cannabis Wall <br>
7. [[106473947]] 5.12a<br>
8. [[106193647]] 5.9+<br>
9. [[106193660]] 5.10b
[Hide Photo] Cannabis Wall 7. Mission Control 5.12a 8. Three Amigos 5.9+ 9. Cannabis Crack 5.10b
Truman nearing the top.
[Hide Photo] Truman nearing the top.
Climber on Route
[Hide Photo] Climber on Route

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Jeremy Noring
Salt Lake City, Utah
  5.9+ R
[Hide Comment] Other than the first bolt being high enough to be clearly dangerous, a really great route overall. Good slab climbing on solid rock.

It's easy climbing to the first bolt, but mistakes aren't an option. Jul 17, 2014