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Trailer Park Arete

V4, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3.1 from 43 votes
FA: unknown
Arizona > Northern Arizona > Northern AZ Bou… > Flagstaff Bould… > Kelly Canyon > E Kelly Canyon > Trailer Park
Warning Access Issue: Fragile Sandstone: Don't Climb Wet Rock DetailsDrop down


The short arete that beckons from the approach trail. Begin at a large triangular sloper and follow the arete to a sorta-big reach for the lip. Top out on slick rippled crimps. Feels super stout without good beta.


Left side of the semi-freestanding boulder. Walk off the back.


A pad and a spotter.

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Triangle Arete - V3
[Hide Photo] Triangle Arete - V3
Trailer Park Arete
[Hide Photo] Trailer Park Arete
Jon on the sandbagged arete.
[Hide Photo] Jon on the sandbagged arete.
Jeff on the arete
[Hide Photo] Jeff on the arete
Triangle Arete
[Hide Photo] Triangle Arete

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Jace Carmichael
Gilbert, Arizona
[Hide Comment] Very stout v3! Oct 23, 2009
Colin Cox
[Hide Comment] Not sure about the name on this one. Everyone knows the Triangle Arete is at the Draw. Sep 2, 2010
Jason Jackson
Cottonwood, AZ
[Hide Comment] hey colin, i thought we referred to this as the "trailer park arete" Nov 5, 2012
[Hide Comment] Always thought this was aloha arete Nov 23, 2016
Scott B