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Trailer Park Arete
Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),
Avg: 3.1 from 43
FA: unknown
> Northern Arizona
> Northern AZ Bou…
> Flagstaff Bould…
> Kelly Canyon
> E Kelly Canyon
> Trailer Park
Access Issue: Fragile Sandstone: Don't Climb Wet Rock
Kelly Canyon is a sandstone climbing area and the rock is very fragile when wet. Be aware of recent weather and ask a local if you are unsure of conditions. Do not climb for at least a day following rainfall. Do not climb on rock that is visibly moist or seeping.
The short arete that beckons from the approach trail. Begin at a large triangular sloper and follow the arete to a sorta-big reach for the lip. Top out on slick rippled crimps. Feels super stout without good beta.
Left side of the semi-freestanding boulder. Walk off the back.
A pad and a spotter.
Gilbert, Arizona
Cottonwood, AZ