Type: Boulder, 20 ft (6 m)
FA: Holloway
Page Views: 2,331 total · 11/month
Shared By: half-pad-mini-jug on Apr 9, 2008
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Starts on a juggy fin, then up right to a crimper along a seam. Next up left to a crimpy side-pull and then right to the sloping side-pull. Now get the feet set and throw for the lip of the overhang. There are several variations to the topout that all end with a jam in the large crack above. Traverse right and downclimb.

Location Suggest change

Directly in front of the large boulder in the lobby.

Protection Suggest change

Need at least two pads and an attentive spotter for the throw.


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