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5.10a, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 192 votes
FA: Kenny Campbell
Tennessee > Obed & Clear Creek > S Clear Creek > Stephen King Library


Easy climbing gets you up to the corner and the first bolt. Climb the left face of the corner to anchors below the roof.


Starts in a right-facing corner, pretty much in the middle of the wall beneath the Library roof.


3 bolts, anchors

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Me leading "It" Nice and spicy at the end :)
[Hide Photo] Me leading "It" Nice and spicy at the end :)
The mighty John Mayfield leads It(5.10a).
[Hide Photo] The mighty John Mayfield leads It(5.10a).

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Cody Ashe
[Hide Comment] Make sure you wait for the afternoon if climbing in the winter or your fingers will freeze lol, but I still enjoyed the climb. Feb 17, 2013
Jill H.
Spartanburg, SC
[Hide Comment] If you are tall enough to get off the initial ledge you'll be tall enough for the rest. I led it and I'm 5'1". I do suggest stick clipping though. Oct 20, 2019
[Hide Comment] I did this on a rainy day and it felt like I was climbing up the inside of a dirty fish tank. Good moves though and more fun than it looks from the ground. Wait for a dry day. Mar 3, 2023