Type: | Sport |
FA: | Aaron Wilkinson, Darren Knezek, Justin McDonald |
Page Views: | 2,723 total · 13/month |
Shared By: | Perin Blanchard on Nov 23, 2007 |
Admins: | Perin Blanchard, GRK, David Crane |
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A tricky start with small feet, crimps, a gaston, and careful balance until you reach the waiting jugs above.
After the clipping the second bolt the rest of the route is primarily juggy and alternates between steep (vertical) and somewhat less so.
A fun route with a number of big moves between big holds.
After the last bolt the route heads right sharply to the chains.
After the clipping the second bolt the rest of the route is primarily juggy and alternates between steep (vertical) and somewhat less so.
A fun route with a number of big moves between big holds.
After the last bolt the route heads right sharply to the chains.