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Brown Eyed Girl
Sport, 70 ft (21 m),
Avg: 3.3 from 676
FA: Nick Walker, Jared Hancock, Mark Ryan - 2006
> Red River Gorge
> Pendergrass-Mur…
> Chica Bonita Wall
Climbs a less than vertical slab via a series of edges and horizontals. Good warm-up route.
This is the first bolted line to the right of the obvious dihedral that "Cheaper Than A Movie" ascends.
[Hide Comment] I don't even like slab but I found this climb to be very enjoyable (even in the high humidity and heat of July). Very cool moves and confidence inspiring feet and decent hands where you want em!
Jul 23, 2016
[Hide Comment] Awesome slab climb. I was slightly nervous to commit on some moves where you have to trust a high foot but it worked out and ended up being a great climb
Jul 7, 2017
[Hide Comment] A unique slab. I don't recall smearing once because of the plethora of sharp, but small edges. Since it forces an emphasis on footwork and actually isn't too pumpy, this route makes for a great warm up!
Mar 23, 2018
[Hide Comment] Very enjoyable, decided to follow through on a joking suggestion from a friend and did it on gear. It does go, but reminded me more of bold British face routes in style than normal RRG trad. First two bolts had nearby horizontals that took I think brown and blue tricams. A bit past the third bolt (but still keeping off ground) there were some features that took the large grey DMM offset nut in a unique but pretty solid looking position. A bit spaced from there was a shallow camslot (#1 MC maybe?) but with a nice little constriction to make you feel better. There probably were brassy placements I couldn't be bothered to find. Just above the anchors was a slot for hand-sized cams but I finished at anchors instead of continuing onto Cheaper than a Movie.
Obviously this is stupid traddie tomfoolery but if you're into that I would recommend it (and just clip a draw if you realize you're in over your head). I know it felt E2 in UK grades, I guess 5.10a PG-13, though I might be mildly sandbagging you on that.
Mar 27, 2021
[Hide Comment] Quite a fun slab! The climbing was consistent and thought provoking. Will definitely be doing again. Bring stick -clip, decently high first bolt.
Nov 7, 2021
[Hide Comment] my buddy broke his ankle on this climb and couldn't clean the gear so i had to do this route twice because no one else wanted to climb slab. anti-slabbers with probably bitch the whole time if you decide to do this one with them, but they need the practice anyway, so it's well worth it. just get balance, big man, it ain't that hard.
Oct 19, 2022
[Hide Comment] I guess you could say this isn’t what people popularly think of as the quintessential RRG style, but routes just like this are everywhere here, and most are fantastic. It kind of irks me that a lot of people seem to think of the Red as a one-trick pony when it’s absolutely not. There’s at least just as many similar lines among the Red’s best offerings to rival the widely known mega-steep marathon jug hauls.
Apr 10, 2024
Ferndale, MI
Northern Virginia
Philadelphia, PA
Obviously this is stupid traddie tomfoolery but if you're into that I would recommend it (and just clip a draw if you realize you're in over your head). I know it felt E2 in UK grades, I guess 5.10a PG-13, though I might be mildly sandbagging you on that. Mar 27, 2021
Metro Detroit
Travelers Rest, SC
Québec city
Beattyville, KY