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5.10b, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 54 votes
FA: Sandy Epeldi & Dan Smith - 1995
Idaho > W Idaho > Black Cliffs > Tall Cliffs
Warning Access Issue: 2025 Seasonal raptor closures: 2/7 Update: Carbody canyon closed from Pabst smear (west side) to Macabres roof (east side). Scary canyon, highway face, and face canyon closed. DetailsDrop down


Climb this basalt column to the top. I find the crux to be the top part of the climb while others find it to be the bottom part of the climb. The route is well protected and fun!


Take the trail to the Tall Cliffs and it will be on your left. There is a short column block right in front of it.


Six bolts to chains.

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Climbing the lower section of Circumciser
[Hide Photo] Climbing the lower section of Circumciser
Circumciser bolt line
[Hide Photo] Circumciser bolt line
Top half and anchors of Circumciser
[Hide Photo] Top half and anchors of Circumciser

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[Hide Comment] Fun route. Crux for me was definitely the roof at the top.

Also, after pulling the roof, a small cam (gold C3 IIRC) makes the final moves to the chains more secure. But even without the cam, it's a clean fall and not runout. Apr 3, 2013
Mikey Seaman
Boise, ID
[Hide Comment] The roof is well protected and the falls are great. It's very blocky and positive, but can be tricky to figure out. I flailed for awhile, getting pumped, before going for a ride. Once you unlock the moves, it's easy to go back and send.

The book I have shows the 1st bolt down low, but it's quite high. I followed the chalked holds off right, or you could try left of the bolts. Straight up the bolt line seems improbable, or at least harder than 10b/c. May 15, 2014