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Rerighting the gospel
Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),
Avg: 4 from 4
FA: Blake Workman
S Dakota
> Needles Of Rush…
> Mt Rushmore Nat…
> Breezy Point
> Breezy Point Bo…
> N Seas
> Rerighting the Gospel
Access Issue: Check NPS for Closures
A sit down problem that starts on a left hand sloper and right hand crimp. Right to a slopey side pull, toe hook left foot and then to a left hand pinch, that is ok. Right up to a bad slopey edge, tricky foot work that includes a left heel hook. Left hand goes up to a virtually nothing sloper for stability and then bump to a really small and bad three finger crimp. Probably an eighth of an edge. Walk your feet through and step on a right foot edge and up with your right hand to a jumbly two finger crystal that feels barely there. Then toss to the obvious sloper. The sloper looks good but is pitiful and extremely hard to hang on to. Match right hand next to it and move your right foot up to a very small edge and then up to the jug. That is how I did it anyway. I chose the rating of V0- which it isn't but was not interested in putting a rating on it. Someone else can do that. I'll just say it was hard for me. None the less it is real good. I would like to see someone else on it.
This problem is located on the far south east area of the Breezy Point boulders. It actually sits down hill and away from most of the concentration of the primary boulders at Breezy Point. A five minute walk from the Bus Boulder.
Cardiff, CA
Anyway... been quite some time, how are you? Oct 1, 2007
Cardiff, CA
Should the name of this problem actually be spelled Rewriting the Gospel? Oct 2, 2007