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September Hero

5.10a, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 34 votes
FA: Jason Roy
Arkansas > North-Central A… > Horseshoe Canyo… > E Side > Far East


Very easy climbing leads to a ledge. After a couple of 5.10 moves, you find yourself at the anchors. The crux is getting the good holds to clip the anchors.


This is a blunt arete to the left of Orange Crush (the route be the fence). It is the fourth bolted route to the left of Orange Crush.


Six bolts and a two bolt anchor.

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September Hero
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[Hide Comment] Beware of decking on a ledge while doing the last move/crux. Feb 3, 2008
Nathan Weber
Tulsa, OK
[Hide Comment] The description is spot on here. If you are looking for 'good' (sustained and interesting) 5.10, you need to climb something else. While quite enjoyable climbing, about 95% of it is 5.6 or 5.7. Two 5.10ish moves at the anchor. Glad I climbed it - it was fun. Sep 8, 2024