Type: Sport, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: Marc Beverly
Page Views: 940 total · 4/month
Shared By: Monomaniac on Sep 17, 2007
Admins: Jason Halladay, Mike Hoskins, Anna Brown

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This worthwhile route is a good option on a hot afternoon or chilly morning. Certainly one of the best routes on the left side, this route can be a bit dirty at times, despite good-quality rock. Begin by scrambling up to the belay stance. Its possible to climb a mini-pitch up to a good ledge with a belay bolt for minimal rope drag, but its perfectly do-able (and surely less of a hassle) to belay from the 2nd class ledges below. Snake up the vertical wall, occasionally reaching right around the arete.

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Just above the pullout is a V-shaped wall. In the center of the "v" is a blunt, vertical arete. OOTS ascends the left side of this arete.

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