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Rainbow bridge

5.11d, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 7 votes
FA: Chris Cantwell, Scott Burke, and Bruce Morris, October 1980
California > Yosemite NP > Yosemite Valley > Valley S Side > P. Cathedral Area > 6. Middle Cathedral Rock
Warning Access Issue: Latest updates on closures, permits, and regulations. DetailsDrop down


A high angle friction/face route. Very much like 'Ephemeral clog dance' or Chiropdist shop' on Glacier point apron.


about 60 feet left of the start of Stoner's first pitch.


5 bolts

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Bruce Morris
Soulsbyville, CA
[Hide Comment] The first ascentionists of "Rainbow Bridge" (5.11d) were Chris Cantwell, Scott Burke, and me (Bruce Morris) in October 1980. I believe Bob Gaines et alia did the second ascent, down-rating RB to 11d. Jan 23, 2015
[Hide Comment] Back in the early 70s when quick silver and freewheelin were put up another route was also done called black primo does anyone know what happen to it or was it renamed I climbed the route in the 70s so I know it's there. Thanks matt Oct 9, 2019
Salamanizer Ski
Off the Grid…
[Hide Comment] Its still there, and still runout as hell. Oct 9, 2019