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5.11b, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.2 from 81 votes
FA: Brian Smoot
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > American Fork C… > Division Wall
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


Good pockets, long reaches and left hand side pulls characterize this short but powerful route. While not super steep, Baghdad will leave you gasping for air. Steep climbing on good holds. A longer draw on the second bolt is helpful. The pocket at the fourth bolt is very positive.

The route is very sustained for the first four bolts and there really aren't any rests. Crux is probably going from the third to the fourth bolt.

Angle eases off after the fourth bolt.


Fifth route to the right of Division (up the hill from Division).


6 bolts and the chains

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somewhere around the fourth bolt, on Baghdad
[Hide Photo] somewhere around the fourth bolt, on Baghdad
extending the draw on the 2nd bolt is most helpful. kind of a tense clip
[Hide Photo] extending the draw on the 2nd bolt is most helpful. kind of a tense clip

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Kip H
Farmington, utah
[Hide Comment] Get to work right off the ground. steep for the first 4 bolts then lets up. this climb requires power off sloping jugs with tenuous clipping stances. very fun. Nov 11, 2007
McRae Williams
[Hide Comment] This is a very exciting route. Technique is key to keep from pumping out. It is very powerful from the ground to the fourth bolt, so be efficient. I recommend a double draw on the second bolt; it will be very helpful. Aug 24, 2008
Thomas Holmes
Spanish Fork
[Hide Comment] If you're breaking into the 11b grade, this one will test ya... Jun 13, 2012
Scott Stevenson
[Hide Comment] This thing is pretty cool. It’s short but feels burly. Had to give some solid effort to make it through. May 23, 2022
Sarah Inwood
Millcreek, UT
[Hide Comment] Pumpy from 1st bolt to just after the 4th. 11b?? Sep 27, 2024