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5.8, Trad, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 0 from 0 votes
FA: Al Simons
Colorado > Estes Park Valley > Box Prarie Boulders &…
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Up hill from the Dome and Prow, maybe 50 yards. A blob of rock with an overhanging right side. Easy top outs. From right to left. #1. 5.8ish up blob on right. #2. Short face with one or two perfect fist jams, 5.7. #3. 5.7 face on left with a finger lock to get you up.


Walk off top. Rounded blob on right side.


Crash pad.

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left side of the blob
[Hide Photo] left side of the blob
gripping the blob
[Hide Photo] gripping the blob
Right side of the Blob, on the Blob proper.
[Hide Photo] Right side of the Blob, on the Blob proper.