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South Paw

5.10c, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 76 votes
FA: unknown
Wyoming > Lander Area > Sinks Canyon > Purple Galaxy


An interesting and decidedly left armed pumpy climb. Heads up the left arching layback via strenuous and fun climbing, with adequate but sometimes wish they were better feet. An interesting transition to the face leads to a short section of pocket pulling before the anchors.


Located 15 yards or so right of Purple Galaxy, an obvious bolted left facing left arching bolted layback flake. Several bolted face lines are immediately right (12a,project?,12a).


7 bolts to anchor.

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South Paw
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[Hide Comment] FA was Jim Ratz circa 1995. Jim put up this route by himself when he had a few days off of work. Jun 22, 2017