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Sweating Bullets

5.11a, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3.1 from 10 votes
FA: Matt TeNgaio/Mike Benson
Idaho > E Idaho > Wolverine Canyon > RPM Wall


Start up somewhat steep face to crux at 3 bolt, then up to huge rest ledge. Fire the last 4 bolts to the chains via thin face climbing.


First route you encounter coming up trail.


10 bolts. Chain anchors with biners.

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[Hide Comment] The large clipping jug for bolt 4 and the entire block it was attached to came loose over winter and were pulled off this spring. "Sweating Bullets 2.0" now feels about 11b with some more involved, technical beta through the broken section. More spice = more entertainment. Jun 9, 2021
Billy Fountain
Idaho Falls, ID
[Hide Comment] I agree with Wyatt, probably 11b now but more fun. Apr 13, 2024