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Kathy's Crack

5.4 PG13, Trad, 200 ft (61 m),  Avg: 1.1 from 14 votes
FA: unknown
Colorado > S Platte > Elevenmile Canyon > Elevenmile Dome
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures January 1- July 31st, 2016-2021 DetailsDrop down


Kathy's Crack is a left-angling crack to the left of Stone Groove. The route follows a the crack which is filled with grass and shrubs before finishing on typical 11-Mile bathtubs. Best bet is to climb the crack and then bathtubs until reaching an easy traverse to the left ending in the descent gully. Note: Would be a decent beginner lead if it was cleaned. I climbed this route with a 70m rope but a 60 should reach if you traverse left 20-30 feet after the crack ends and bathtubs begin. With a 50m one should find a good spot toward the end of the crack to build a belay.


From the base of 11 Mile Dome, hike south 75 feet and then up the gully 150 feet. Kathy's Crack is the definable crack system left of Stone Groove which is an obvious, right-facing, wide crack. Currently, it's full of grass and shrubs.


A few small to medium cams.

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Bill Olszewski
Colorado Springs, CO
[Hide Comment] When the crack turned into a wide chimney/overhanging flake with lots of flora, I pulled over the flake to the right and then followed the line of the arch from above, past discontinuous cracks. Plenty of pro for the easy face climbing that way. Set an anchor in a huge dish with a horizontal crack at approx. 120'. From there, it was an easy walk-off to the left and up, then back down to reach the hillside. May 12, 2010