Type: Sport, 30 ft (9 m)
FA: Robert McGown-1979
Page Views: 4,283 total · 20/month
Shared By: Adam Therneau on Jun 5, 2007
Admins: Roberta Zouain, Kristin Tippey, Micah Klesick, Nate Ball

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Uber slick rock, cryptic sequence, reachy moves, over in a about thirty seconds...all these things would describe Thai Stick perfectly. Super popular route just right of Classic Crack, mostly because it is the only bolted route on the bottom half of the Red Wall's popular left side. Ascend via polished sidepulls and stemming until reaching the first ledge at twenty feet, at which point the climbing becomes 5.8. This route is very difficult to figure out on the onsight attempt, due to a surplus of unnecessary holds and very low friction to help you pop off. Once wired, it feels rather easy for the grade due to its brevity, particularly if you are tall. Makes for a logical, direct start to the route Critical Mass above it.

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Immediately right of Classic Crack at the Red Wall.

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2 bolts, and chain anchors. The first bolt is pretty high and it would be advisable to stick clip due to a bad landing.

