Type: | Sport |
FA: | unknown |
Page Views: | 917 total · 4/month |
Shared By: | Anthony Stout on Jun 5, 2007 |
Admins: | Jason Halladay, Mike Hoskins, Anna Brown |
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Access Issue: Thompson Canyon
The gate to Thompson Canyon's southern end is locked and is no longer a viable option for short and convenient access. The standard access is now via the longer, rougher Davenport Lookout/Thompson Canyon route.
New Mexico CRAG (NMCRAG) will continue to be in contact with the ranch owners and the Forest Service to see if it can resolve this issue. In the meantime, please respect the closure, spread the word and please do not attempt to drive through the private ranch.
New Mexico CRAG (NMCRAG) will continue to be in contact with the ranch owners and the Forest Service to see if it can resolve this issue. In the meantime, please respect the closure, spread the word and please do not attempt to drive through the private ranch.
Short but sweet. A stick clip is helpful as the first bolt is quite a distance off the deck. Reach up in the overhang for your first hold and campus (or you can use your feet, seen it done different ways) the first few moves. Continue up strenuous moves to the anchors.
Also a V6 bouldering start variation, according to the guidebook.
Also a V6 bouldering start variation, according to the guidebook.