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Milk Bone

5.10a, Sport, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.3 from 41 votes
FA: Dave Ianuzzi (Nov 1999)
Arizona > Central Arizona > Homestead > Bone Town
Warning Access Issue:
  • Portions of the approach and cliffs of this area are on private land.
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This is basically a boulder problem (V0+, V1 or so) to huge jugs, but it's pretty keen. Power up to the stacked blocks that make up the key handlebar hold. There's still some friable crud under your feet on the overhanging part, so take caution.


On the left flank of the Bonetown "cave," before the new slab routes. Look for the stumpy remains of what was a prickly, crotch-nibbling bush at the base (a crag gardener has since cut it down.)


Bolts (3 or 4, I don't recall)

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Mike after the crux.
[Hide Photo] Mike after the crux.
Mike after the crux
[Hide Photo] Mike after the crux
Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
[Hide Photo] Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
[Hide Photo] Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
[Hide Photo] Deanna pulling through the left pocket.
Deanna fell off the crux move.
[Hide Photo] Deanna fell off the crux move.
Bri snags the really nice jug on the left of the main crack.
[Hide Photo] Bri snags the really nice jug on the left of the main crack.
You can more or less see the sweet stacked block handlebar hold that makes Milkbone (10a) worth climbing. Don't worry... it'll hold :) Old, bad scan of a photo by Hillary Davis.
[Hide Photo] You can more or less see the sweet stacked block handlebar hold that makes Milkbone (10a) worth climbing. Don't worry... it'll hold :) Old, bad scan of a photo by Hillary Davis.
Wendel pulling through the crux of Milk Bone
[Hide Photo] Wendel pulling through the crux of Milk Bone
Wendel right past the third bolt, almost at the anchors.  This is an extremely short route, but fun to do.
[Hide Photo] Wendel right past the third bolt, almost at the anchors. This is an extremely short route, but fun to do.
Starting into the good stuff!
[Hide Photo] Starting into the good stuff!
At stacked blocks!
[Hide Photo] At stacked blocks!

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

Hillary Davis
[Hide Comment] The stars are for the fun power moves and the handlebar itself. Mar 21, 2007
David Stephens
Superior AZ/Spokane WA
[Hide Comment] When I did the route last it was 11a and had 5 bolts and the rings on top. Apr 10, 2007
Hillary Davis
[Hide Comment] D'oh. You're right. It was late, and I get the names mixed up anyway. The short 10a is Milk Bone. Yes, the 5-bolt 11a is Wishbone. Fixed it. Apr 28, 2007
Nate Young
[Hide Comment] This route was a two move wonder, but still pretty fun. The hardest part was clipping the first draw without getting caught up in the rope for the move out left. Dec 11, 2014
Nate Young