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The Labyrinth

5.11c, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3.3 from 12 votes
FA: Troy Mayr, Mark Maynard, Danny Reasor 1990, extended version Jack Marshall 2002
California > Los Angeles Basin > Angeles Nationa… > Williamson Rock > London Wall
Warning Access Issue: Williamson Rock is currently closed to climbing. DetailsDrop down


Long, sustained and powerful this route requires good core strength and the ability to pull down hard with good technique. Starting on a short slabby ramp to steep overhanging terrain on good flakes, crimpers and jugs to a short rest at the first set of anchors. Continue on for three more bolts on scary flakes to the second anchor.

  • Originally bolted in 1990 an extension with a second separate set of higher anchors added in 2002.


Third route from the right after the pillar with Peace Pipe and Totem Pole


7 bolts to first anchor 3 bolts to second anchor

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The start of The Labryinth
[Hide Photo] The start of The Labryinth

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C Miller
[Hide Comment] Another great line on the London Wall that works well as a warm-up for the harder lines nearby. This route has no stopper moves, but you do need to work through a labyrinth of holds down low to catch a breather before tackling the somewhat pumpy extension (which adds more climbing, but isn't on par with the lower portion of the route).

Oddly enough this route always seemed easier than the thrutchy KAOS just to the right. Mar 20, 2007
[Hide Comment] Labyrinth used to start on Kaos and traverse the underclings after the 2nd bolt on Kaos. The start everyone does is a 3 bolt new start. Mar 27, 2007
[Hide Comment] The bolts along the undercling traverse were removed when the new start was done. Labyrinth, with the old start was a dead route, never done. After the new start was put in, the route became a instant classic. Mar 27, 2007

[Hide Comment] Maybe the fire killed off the frogs. Sep 20, 2020