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5.10d, Sport, 55 ft (17 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 100 votes
FA: unknown
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Donner Summit > Space Wall


Fun climb on the black rock to the right of Made in Japan. Some compression-type moves lead to a crux right at the end.


50' right of Made in Japan, off some ledge systems. 


5 bolts, anchors.

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Rick D
Reno, NV
[Hide Comment] Kind of wierd moves at fourth bolt. Mar 16, 2009
Alex Grande
San Francisco, CA
[Hide Comment] Really nice climb. Getting to the first bolt is at first scary given the jagged rock below, but once you see how many feet there are soon enough you are on-belay. Middle area has a subtle chest squeeze, but with a bit of feet work you are at the next positive hold moving quickly up to the next bolt.

The crux is definitely at the last bolt before the anchors where I found it easiest to do a boulderly side pulls on an arete with a high left foot smearing. If you reach around the arete on the inside you'll find positive holds to sink into and pull yourself up and over.

Well protected. Aug 14, 2017
Briana Bennett
San Francisco, CA
[Hide Comment] This thing is chill as a cucumber until that last move. I got through it with some opposition on slopers, but there's probably a better way.
Very worth doing! Jul 13, 2019
Colin Brochard
San Diego, CA
[Hide Comment] this thing is nails @ the 10b it gets in the book, thats for sure Jul 22, 2019
[Hide Comment] Compression moves around 4th bolt, with a difficult last move requiring a bit of finesse and maybe a crack move or two. Hard onsight for 10d, I thought. Worth doing. Safe bolting, the first clip can be stick-clipped, but it's pretty chill despite it looking high. Aug 21, 2019
Sean Franklin
Sacramento, CA
[Hide Comment] Thought I was gonna warm up on a 10b then halfway through I realized it was a Donner 10b (10d) lol. Great warmup nonetheless, just be mentally prepared. Jul 13, 2020
Connor Dobson
Louisville, CO
[Hide Comment] Pretty sandbagged at 10b in the book, thought I was in for a chill warm-up but it turned into an absolute fight at the top right before the chains. Oct 2, 2022