Type: Sport, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: Kelly Cordner (1997) TD
Page Views: 2,130 total · 10/month
Shared By: Matthew Fienup on Dec 21, 2006 · Updates
Admins: Aron Quiter, Euan Cameron, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Warning Access Issue: Bridges Out! IMPORTANT LADWP NEGOTIATIONS!! DetailsDrop down

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A left variation to Quail Trail--short but very sweet!

Begin by climbing the first section of Quail Trail. From the intermediate ledge, traverse left and up to a clean hand crack. Follow this to the top.

70-meter rope required to lower, tie a knot in the end of your rope!

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Move left from the midway ledge of Quail Trail to the nice crack system, passing 4 or 5 more bolts.

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10-12 bolts. 70-meter rope required to lower, tie a knot in the end of the rope!

