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Candy O

5.11b, Sport, 68 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 120 votes
FA: Jack Marshall
California > High Desert > Barstow Area > New Jack City > Box Canyon East > Raven Rocks > Raven Rocks South


Middle route on south side of crag


Just left of Route 66 (5.9).

Route # 885 in Southern CA sport climbing guide


8 bolts, shut anchors, rap down

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Bryan Baez enjoying the sweet moves on Candy O (5.11b), NJC
[Hide Photo] Bryan Baez enjoying the sweet moves on Candy O (5.11b), NJC
Boris cheering me on as I TR the heck out of this route
[Hide Photo] Boris cheering me on as I TR the heck out of this route
Kinda hard for 11b - still, a fun line with well placed bolts
[Hide Photo] Kinda hard for 11b - still, a fun line with well placed bolts
At the upper crux on Candy O (5.11b), New Jack City
[Hide Photo] At the upper crux on Candy O (5.11b), New Jack City
Kevin entering into the upper crux section
[Hide Photo] Kevin entering into the upper crux section
Bolt Locations
[Hide Photo] Bolt Locations
Bryan moving through the lower crux on Candy O (5.11b), NJC
[Hide Photo] Bryan moving through the lower crux on Candy O (5.11b), NJC
Bolt Locations
[Hide Photo] Bolt Locations
Erik on the first crux of "Candy-O".<br>
Photo by Blitzo.
[Hide Photo] Erik on the first crux of "Candy-O". Photo by Blitzo.
Jen on the upper crux of Candy O
[Hide Photo] Jen on the upper crux of Candy O
The extremely beautiful Meg, clipping the second to last draw on her rp on Candy O<br>
photo by spike
[Hide Photo] The extremely beautiful Meg, clipping the second to last draw on her rp on Candy O photo by spike
Elaine contemplating the upper section of Candy O.
[Hide Photo] Elaine contemplating the upper section of Candy O.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

susan peplow
Joshua Tree
[Hide Comment] Extremely fun route and should be considered an area classic. Two distinct cruxes one lower/mid way with second crux clipping the last bolt before the anchors. (hint...go high) Very fun, well protected and a must do.

~Susan Jan 28, 2007
Will S
Joshua Tree
[Hide Comment] This was a fun one. No pump factor, it's more like two cool boulder problems separated by 20' of 5-easy. Jan 28, 2007
Michael Bartosek
Los Angeles
[Hide Comment] I agree with the two distinct crux sections with some easier climbing between. A fun route for the grade, the best route on this wall in my opinion (although the 5.9 is a close second) Nov 18, 2009
[Hide Comment] Outstanding protection. Every clipping stance felt super secure. While the second crux is reachy and a little desperate, it comes right after a bolt so it's easy mentally to go for it. May 22, 2013
Brucy Serg
[Hide Comment] This route "used" to be merely 11b till the sidepulls up & left of bolt 2 wore down. The route now, almost exclusively, veers way right of the bolt line (depending on how far one goes right defines just how easy one wants to make the route). The central section up to the upper headwall is easy non-demanding climbing, however, at the last three (3) bolts, be ready for a solid spate of highly sequential & technical face.

Some climbers naively feel that routes hold their grades for years, but, at an area like New Jack City- with its extremely friable stone- is a given for change. Because of this, comments one reads about "easy...well thought out" clips (say on the last bolt, for a glaring example) can bring surprises down the road. Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln S
[Hide Comment] crux up top is absolutely heinous in the late afternoon after the holds have been baking for several hours in the sun. Definitely get on this while it's cold. Mar 18, 2019
Mongo Smash
[Hide Comment] Good movement and sequence. Still a fair amount of loose rock. A joke at 11b. Perhaps it was 11b in the 90s before all the holds whittled away. I'm starting to realize why the rumors of "New Choss City" exist. Dec 29, 2019
Drew Yorkey
Santa Barbara, CA
[Hide Comment] Solid route, first crux is small feet and committing and beta intensive. Second crux has good crimps and solid finish! Still love this route! Jan 21, 2020