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Knee Jerk Reaction

5.11c, Sport,  Avg: 2.7 from 12 votes
FA: Brian Pletta and Mark Thomas
New Mexico > Albuquerque Area > Palomas Peak > (09) The Far Side II


Start to the left of Watch Out For That Tree and Lonesome Dove. Head straight up through junky rock, the first bolt is worthless (its around 5 feet off the deck), but can be clipped if you are frightened with the rock quality. Head through a bulge and wander to the right, through a crack, and then left under a large roof block. The crux is as you pull around the roof block. There is a second crux higher up, which is likely more difficult for shorter people. A long reachy move.


8 bolts, anchor with lowering hooks (lowering hardware added 9/2023 by NMMC, provided by ASCA).

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Mateo San Pedro
[Hide Comment] Pulled straight over the block which was a way fun way to do it. Held onto it like a 'fridge and pulled it like a roof. I thought the second crux was a bit harder though. Maybe just harder on onsite than the first crux but the moves were easier when you found the holds. I thought this climb was badass. May 6, 2013
Anna Brown
New Mexico
[Hide Comment] It seems like the first bolt is more for the belayer's protection since there's a steep dropoff right the belay platform.

I'm pretty sure I counted 10 bolts so that's what I marked on my topo photo. Sep 28, 2023